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ROANOKE (CBSDFW.COM) – Nearly every student in the Northwest Independent School District made it to class on time on Friday. Some of them have been late every day since the school year began due to bus route problems. The district has now made changes, however, aimed at ended this issue.
The problematic bus route was split on Friday. This resulted in the students heading to Steele High School spending less time on the bus and actually getting to their campus on time. With nearly 30 stops, some children had been stuck on the school bus for as much as two hours each way.
The lengthy bus rides had some parents upset. “Four hours in total for some children is too long to be on a bus,” stated mother Jeanie LaPack. The district hopeed that their newest plan would cut down that time dramatically. Officials on Tuesday tried to alleviate the tardiness problem with earlier pickup times. But students still arrived late.
Only five students arrived late on Friday morning. Steele High School is one of four high schools in the district.
Northwest ISD is one of the fastest-growing school districts in North Texas, gaining about 1,400 new students each year. The district’s boundaries push into Wise County, Denton County and Tarrant County — spanning some 234 square miles. “To be in a district this size, this spread out, with so many new kids who need transportation, I am very pleased,” superintendent Ryder Warren said.